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"I am now married - I met my husband at my first ever speed dating event! Thanks so much!!!" -Carolyn


DateSwitch Founders
Jeremy & Lauren Bollinger
Email Questions to:

Q) What Exactly is Speed Dating?
A) Speed dating is a fun and fast paced way to meet a lot of other singles in your area, who are also looking to find someone special. The women are all seated at different tables while the men rotate every 5 minutes until everyone has met. At the end of each 5 minute "mini-date" a bell will ring and participants secretly circle “yes” or “no” on their DateSwitch Date Card depending on their interest. Participants take their date card home and log in to to make their selections. If there is a match, both select"yes" to one another, then each are given the other's email address. They can then getback in touch right away to talk more, exchange phone numbers and set up a "second date!"

Q) Why 5 Minutes?
A) We have tried different time increments, but have found that 5 minutes works best. We found that most people know in just a few minutes if they would like to get to know someone better or not. This is the purpose of speed dating events – to bring multiple singles together in order to find other singles they would like to know better and set up real dates with. If you really hit it off with someone and want to talk longer, stay when the event is over and mingle at the after party.

Q) Who Attends DateSwitch Events?
A) Many different people attend DateSwitch events, but we have found that one of the things they have in common, is that they are usually intelligent professionals who have just not found that special someone yet. Most people who attend are busy professionals, but due to a fast paced life have not had the time to meet many other singles. People who attend our events are motivated people willing to get out there and meet others just like them. You would be surprised by the number of people now married that met while speed dating. Then again, should you be surprised? DateSwitch sets a relaxed social environment that brings single people together so they can find exactly what they are looking for. You can quickly eliminate everyone you are not interested in and instead focus on the people with whom you do share an interest.

Q) Where are the Events and is there Privacy?
A) events generally take place in a private room of either a restaurant, bar, or lounge. Many times we choose lounges or bars which are closed to the public during the time of our event. We try to make our events as private as possible.

Q) I Think I am too Nervous to Try Something Like this - Any Tips?
A) Many people new to speed dating may be nervous about attending an event. However, there is absolutely no reason to be nervous – everyone at the event is just like you - single and looking to meet other singles. The events are very low pressure, organized and take place in a structured setting. You never have to worry about approaching someone at DateSwitch events, because they are expecting and waiting for you to approach them! Don’t let nerves stop you from an opportunity to meet someone great!

Q) I Don't Want to try it Alone - Will I Feel Awkward if I Do?
A) There is no reason to feel awkward about attending an event alone. In fact, 90% of the people attending an event come alone. We have fantastic hosts and our events are very structured so you will never feel as if you don’t know what is going on. Once at an event you will be paired at a table with someone and engaged in conversation, therefore having a friend with you is not necessary. However, people do have a great time when they bring along their friends. Ladies - Our events make a great ladies night out as well, so encouraged your single girlfriends to join you!

Q) What if there isn’t anyone at the event I am interested in?
A) We are so confident our events work that you can come back for FREE if there isn’t anyone at the event you are interested in! To receive a Free Pass to another event, you must be there for the entire event and log in to within 48 hours of the event ending and select no to everyone. Thus, indicating you did not see anyone there you were interested in seeing again. If you circle yes to one person, regardless if you match with them or not, you are not be eligible for a Free Pass. You are eligible for one Free Pass per paid event. It is usually rare that we have someone with no interest in anyone at an event, but it can happen so the free pass takes the worry out of signing up.

Q) How Much are the Events?
A) The regular price for our events is $45. However, most of our events do offer an early sign up rate of only $35 if you are signed up more than 1 week before the event date. After that, the rate goes to the normal $45 rate. The $10 off early sign up rate encourages early sign-ups because it makes it much easier for us to prepare for the event when people are signed up more than a week in advance. The event fee also helps keep it a professional type crowd that is serious about finding other singles looking for a relationship. If the events were cheaper, they would bring out a different type of crowd that is not really serious about meeting that special someone. Keep in mind that if there isn't anyone at the event you are interested in you can select no to everyone and come back to another event for FREE! We want you to meet someone you are interested in and this ensures that you will!

Q) If I Come to Another Event will I Meet the Same People Again?
A) At our events you meet all new people every time you attend - unlike other speed dating services where you may be paying just to meet the same people over and over again. Many people match at one event and start dating a few days later. For some it may take a few events before they really meet the person they are looking for. Give it time - it will happen and this is the absolute best way to find that special someone. The person you have been searching for might be there that night or they might be 3 events away. Even if this is the case, we will always be hosting fun events until that someone does come along!

Q) Why Should I Choose DateSwitch over Similar Services?
A) Be careful in choosing your speed dating service. Many reasons set apart from others. Some national speed dating companies have events in hundreds of cities and seem to spread themselves too thin. This results in many of their events being cancelled due to a lack of signups. We focus hard on a handful of cities and that is one reason events quickly become the most popular speed dating events in those cities and tend to experience much better turnouts. Also be caeful of fly-by-night local companies mentioning cheap events as you may arrive only to find 2 other people signed up or a group of people who are not really serious about finding the right person to date. has been holding speed dating events for over 4 years. The fact that you receive a free pass if you do not see anyone you are interested in helps give you peace of mind. We also hold most of our events on Friday and Saturday nights so you won't be worrying about rushing home to get up early for work the next day, We also look for venues where there is something fun to do following the event. This way the fun is not over when the event ends - the night is just beginning! We want the entire night to be fun. You are dressed up and out - why not make the most of the night? This gives you an opportunity to talk more after the event with the people you hit it off with! Also, with DateSwitch, you get personal attention. If you ever have any questions you can email us at and we will answer you promptly and keep you informed about upcoming events.